Sunday, May 11, 2014

simple class

Newsgroup: comp.lang.c++

Subject: simple class

From: nvangogh <nvangogh@...>

Date: Fri, 09 May 2014 14:53:51 +0100


I am reading c++ primer.

Exercise 7.4:

Write a class named person that represents the name and address of a

person. Use a string to hold each of these elements. Subsequent

exercises will incrementally add features to this class.

Exercise 7.5:

Provide operations in your person class to return the name and address.

Should these functions be const? Explain your choice.

So I have completed exercise 7.5 in this way:

// a class named person with operations

#include <string>

class Person


std::string name() const { return first_name;}

std::string addr() const { return address;}

// data members

std::string first_name;

std::string address;


Is this correct?

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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Does C++ Primer offer non-trivial example programs? If not, please suggest a book that does.

Newsgroup: comp.lang.c++

Subject: Does C++ Primer offer non-trivial example programs? If not, please suggest a book that does.

From: Aditya Raj Bhatt <adityarajbhatt@...>

Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 05:09:21 -0700 (PDT)

I am seeing recommendations for C++ Primer everywhere (on the C++-faq lite, the stackoverflow list of C++ books) and other places. Now, I bought it and went through the index, but I was dismayed to find only C++ _features_ listed, and no sign of any non-trivial examples.

I have gone through Object Oriented Programming in _Turbo_ C++ by Robert Lafore. While severely outdated, it taught me many useful applications of the features in C++ (A card game, a horse simulation, fractals, a small adventure game) etc. I was wondering if C++ primer offers examples like this. I find it gets very dull if they just say something like, "you can pass a reference parameter using &. Eg.

void Examplefunction (int &x, int &y) {

x=5; y=6;


int main() {

int x,y; Examplefunction(x,y);

return 0;



Stuff like this is very boring to me, with no possible application. I mean, I am not a very creative person, and unless the application of a concept is shown to me explicitly through some useful example, I have a hard time remembering it. So can someone tell me if C++ Primer offers things like this (please mention what specific example it is). And if not, please recommend a book that is heavy on both explanation and big examples (at least, big from the point of a beginner).

Thank you and sorry for being overly verbose. This is my first post on this group.

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Thursday, May 1, 2014

ostream Problem

Newsgroup: comp.lang.c++

Subject: ostream Problem

From: mrc2323@...

Date: Thu, 1 May 2014 13:46:07 -0700

I am trying to combine std::left and std::setw() as a single

function. The following code ignores the "left" manipulator. What am I

doing wrong? TIA

struct leftsetw // combined functions (left/width)


leftsetw(int w) : width(w) {}

int width;


ostream &operator<<(ostream &o, const leftsetw &a)


o.left, o.width(a.width);

return o;


ostringstream oss;

oss.str(""); oss << "Test " << leftsetw(12) << 42;


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